Monday, January 16, 2012

Visit the Store & Community

This blog is new, but I've worked in the 2D game community for many years.  Check out to find a community where you can have your graphics, games, or music published for the world to see.

If you want to make graphics & games to sell, or just need a place to buy Royalty Free Assets for your game development, you can check out  Contact us for selling details.

We advertise and continually update out Facebook, YouTube, & Twitter channels.  They hold great information and materials for Indie Game Developers.


Graphic Requests

To make sure we are making the right things that you need, please make requests here.  The more detailed the request, the easier it is to follow through.  An example is given below:
Request- Isometric Terrain
Dimensions- 64x64 or 128x128
Style-Half Realistic/Cartoon - Smooth tone
Other- If you could make a set of graphic tiles complete with some trees, bushes, brick walls, and other elements that go with it that would help.  Also, at least one character that fits with the tiles.
Need- I don't have an immediate need for the graphics, but they would be nice for a game I want to start.
  (need example #2- Around January 2012 I'm starting a game with my team, and need the graphics as placement to get started)
* Again, thanks for visiting Roencia Game Creators, "Graphics for Games".  Our contributing artists and team appreciate your support in the purchases you make.